For Healthcare Professionals

  • The Avnee Foundation created the above brief education to give healthcare professionals an overview of key facts on meningococcal disease and Serogroup B vaccination. You can also download the presentation slides from this video by clicking here.

  • The CDC provides more details about meningococcal vaccination, including package inserts for Bexsero, and Trumenba.

  • The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) published this 2016 guidance on Serogroup B meningococcal vaccination with the Trumenba vaccine. The recommendations for the Bexsero vaccine were released in 2015, and include guidance on young adults and adolescents as well as guidance on people who are at higher risk.

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published this 2016 policy statement with recommendations on serogroup B meningococcal vaccination.